Brian Mulroney’s death is also a loss for all Canadians

Former leader of the Conservative Party Andrew Scheer took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his sympathies for the loss of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, writing “he was devoted to his country, and fought his whole life to keep it united and strong,”

“He guided Canada out of a difficult time of runaway inflation and high interest rates and set our country back on track towards prosperity. “

“He worked hard for a country where anyone could achieve success just like he had: through hard work and perseverance, and his policies of free trade and free enterprise helped create opportunities for so many and dramatically improved our quality of life. “

“He stood like a giant on the world stage.”

“He helped start the international efforts to end Aparthied in South Africa and was a staunch ally in the efforts to free eastern Europeans from the horrors of communism.”

Scheer went on to conclude: “I will always treasure my memories of our conversations and meetings.  Brian was kind, slow to criticize, quick to compliment, and always offered profound and thoughtful advice. He was just a lovely human being, whose love of his wife, his family and his country shone through everything he did. His stories and anecdotes could have you laughing out loud one moment, and tearing up the next. May he be welcomed in the next life with the salvific greeting of ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…’ Rest in Peace Prime Minister Mulroney. Thank you for your service.”