Saturday, July 27, 2024
The metaphor of the boxer who takes on the opponent who underestimates him, and comes out on top, works for Justin Trudeau - until it doesn't. Paul Wells. Justin Trudeau On the Ropes: Governing...
In addition to telling a personal and political story about an important man, Lawton’s book also provides an invaluable aid to anyone seeking to understand the modern Conservative Party of Canada. Understanding...
OTTAWA - Supervised consumption sites are just "drug dens" that a future Conservative government would seek to close and not provide with "a single taxpayer dollar," Pierre Poilievre said Friday.
Supporters flocked to see Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre at the Calgary Stampede, where he spoke about his optimistic vision of Canada’s future if elected Prime Minister. 
His insular communications strategy is a necessary defense against Canada’s anti-American psychosis
The party has passed a point of no return in distancing itself from an unpopular prime minister
Conservatives hold a strong lead in the polls nationwide, but trail the Bloc Québécois in Quebec
Health Minister Mark Holland suggested this week that the federal Conservatives had influenced dental groups’ opposition to the plan. 
With a large lead overall, the Conservative Party has held the largest vote share by age, gender, region and income for some time now
Prime Minister Trudeau’s vision for a more prosperous Canada relies on a much larger role for the federal government, with more spending, regulation, borrowing and higher taxes.


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