OTTAWA – The Conservative Party of Canada set a new fundraising record in the final quarter of 2022. The Conservatives fundraised $9,667,509.44 from more than 60,000 supporters according to Elections Canada. An additional $372,000 in transfers to the party from leadership campaigns brought total fundraising for the quarter to $10.2 million.

The Conservatives set a new record for the number of individual contributors, and also a new record for money raised in a non-election quarter. It was also the first full quarter that Pierre Poilievre was leader of the party. 

In comparison,  the Trudeau Liberals raised only $5.7 million in the final quarter, from 38,000 individual contributors. While this quarter was the best for the Liberals over the past year, their annual total was their worst since 2017. Since being elected as leader, Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party of Canada have been increasing their lead over the governing Liberals. The most recent data from Abacus has the Conservatives with a sizable 8 point lead.

The Conservatives did not just out fundraise the Liberals, they also out fundraised the NDP and Greens in the 4th quarter of 2022. With the NDP managing to only fundraise $2.5 million, and the Greens only pulling in $820,796.

This story was written by Corbin Kelley